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FirsTest Series - Ortho - Bruno - Kalam Books
500 Indian Exam Questions with Answers and Explanations
Zulfi Raj's Pre PG Medicine Handbook - Bruno - Jaypee Brothers
3rd Edition
RxPG TargetPG All India 2006 - Bruno - Jaypee Brothers
300 Original questions with detailed explanations
RxPG AIPG 2005 - Bruno - Jaypee Brothers
300 Original questions with detailed explanations
RxPG AIPG 2004 - Bruno - Jaypee Brothers
300 Original questions with detailed explanations
RxPG TargetPG AIPG 2003 to 2006 (in Press) - Bruno - Jaypee Brothers
1200 Original questions with detailed explanations
TargetPG TNPSC Interview Buster Assistant Surgeon Recruitment
This page is designed by Dr.J.Mariano Anto Bruno Mascarenhas who has done his MBBS at Tirunelveli Medical College and Post Graduation in Orthopaedics at Madurai Medical College. © Medical Books in India - Listings, Review and Online Purchase proudly powered by Blogger. Template Design by This site is meant to be used by M.B.,B.S., Graduates (and Students). By using this site, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions. If you are a non medical person and is looking for Some/Any Medical Advice or Opinion, please mail to We will be pleased to help You. For PLAB and other details, visit USMLE Exam Questions and Tips a site for PG Entrance, MCQs, EMQs, Downloads, Mock tests, AIIMS AIPG PLAB and Forums.
Thank you for posting this stuff and more importantly the contact numbers. I went across some of the more articles nut there were only the covers of the books and no contacts. Thank you for this.