Author: Mukesh Agrawal
Price: Rs 825/-
Publisher: Bhalani Publishers
Contact: 022 24093098/09867268945
Four Color
- State of the art information in concise form with specific relevance to Indian children, excluding unnecessary details about rare diseases.
- Based on recent MCI syllabus, covering the modules of didactic teaching for undergraduates as per MCI & IAP recommendations.
- Incorporating recent guidelines from national and international academic bodies on specific problems.
- Select chapters contributed by renowned experts in the relevant fields.
- A brief overview of applied basic sciences at the beginning of chapters to enhance understanding of clinical problems.
- A systemic review of relevant clinical examination and laboratory investigations/ interventions, to enhance evaluation skills.
- A step-wise diagnostic approach to common clinical problems to assist in arriving at the diagnosis in a simplified manner.
- An evidence-based management approach, incorporating recent guidelines from national and international agencies.
- Simplified, self-explanatory illustrations along with typical x-ray figures and colored photographs for visual appreciation of problems.
- Separate chapters on pediatric procedures and instruments and essential pharmacological aspects of drug therapy.