~~~~~ PG Digest Released by Kalam Books ~~~~~ TargetPG TNPSC 1995 to 2007 Released ~~~~~~ Dr.Bruno's TargetPG Tamil Nadu PG Entrance Review (PARAS Publishing) - Fully Solved Question Papers from 2002 to 2006 with references and detailed explanations available ~~~~~ Pretest Styled books with Answers, Reference and Explanations of MCQs asked in Indian PG Entrance Exams available as FirsTest Series (Kalam Books)

Friday, August 28, 2009

Mukesh Agrawal - Textbook of Pediatrics

Title: Textbook of Peadiatrics
Author: Mukesh Agrawal
Price: Rs 825/-
Publisher: Bhalani Publishers
Contact: 022 24093098/09867268945
Email: bhalanipublishers@gmail.com
Web: www.bhalanipublishers.com
Four Color

  • State of the art information in concise form with specific relevance to Indian children, excluding unnecessary details about rare diseases.
  • Based on recent MCI syllabus, covering the modules of didactic teaching for undergraduates as per MCI & IAP recommendations.
  • Incorporating recent guidelines from national and international academic bodies on specific problems. 
  • Select chapters contributed by renowned experts in the relevant fields.
  • A brief overview of applied basic sciences at the beginning of chapters to enhance understanding of clinical problems.
  • systemic review of relevant clinical examination and laboratory investigations/ interventions, to enhance evaluation skills.
  • step-wise diagnostic approach to common clinical problems to assist in arriving at the diagnosis in a simplified manner.  
  • An evidence-based management approach, incorporating recent guidelines from national and international agencies.
  • Simplified, self-explanatory illustrations along with typical x-ray figures and colored photographs for visual appreciation of problems.
  • Separate chapters on pediatric procedures and instruments and essential pharmacological aspects of drug therapy.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Scientific Book Company - Details and Contact Address

About Scientific Book Company
  • They are a leading Medical Book Publisher of Eastern India. 
  • In this field since 1948. 
  • Have two retail outlets in Patna
  • Biggest Medical Book Seller in Bihar. 
  • Publisher of hugely popular Sarp series for postgraduate medical admission test. SARP Stands for Skin - Anaesthesia - Radiology - Psychiatry
  • This Series has been hugely popular among the medical students preparing for various post graduate entrance examinations for the last 18 years.
  • The Sarp series consists of a total of 16 books aimed at helping the students to crack the various postgraduate entrance examinations. 
  • Website : www.scientificbookco.com 
Contact Addres

Shravan Bhagat
Scientific Book Company
Ashok Rajpath, Opp. P.M.C.H.,
Patna- 800004

PH: 0612- 2301724, 2301744
Fax: 0612-2301724
Mobile: 9304626463
Website: www.scientificbookco.com
E mail : scientificbookco@sify.com, scientificbookco@gmail.com, info@scientificbookco.com

Monday, May 11, 2009

NEW MCQ BOOK ON PSM by Dr Vivek Jain (PULSE Publications)

Message from the Author himself
‘Understanding PSM is difficult, owing to the vastness of the subject, but enjoyable, if you come across a good teacher and a useful book!’
A student
While preparing for PG entrance examination, I myself realised that most of the PSM MCQs, related text and even the referenced answers given in books were invariably unable to satisfy me as a student. Most of the times, there were questions from ‘topics not given in standard text books’ (for example, nested case control study, case series report, statistical errors, probability, odds and likelihood ratios, health legislations, Water washed diseases, Golden rice, COPRA, etc. – all together just the tip of an iceberg of such MCQs). Every year there were ‘new unheard questions from unexplored fields’, overlapping choices of MCQs from other fields of medicine accompanied with futile search for ‘recent most data of Public Health Statistics’, etc. This all made me realise that PSM is a difficult subject to conceptualise and memorise. Elaborate books also confused me regarding the relative importance of each topic in the subject.
I also realised that students face maximum difficulty in understanding the concepts of ‘Biostatistics’ and in obtaining precise, concise and useful data from ‘National Health Programmes of India’.
Also, PG entrance examinations have a sizeable chunk of direct and overlapping questions from PSM subject (Just 1 subject out of 19 total subjects). A quick look at last few years tells us the following stats (to name a few),
AIIMS PG Entrance Examination: 20 – 25 PSM questions (10 – 12% of total MCQs)
AIPGME Examination: 23 – 30 PSM questions (8 – 10% of total MCQs)
UPSC CMS Examination: 60 – 75 PSM questions (25 – 30% of total MCQs)
FMGE – MCI Screening Examination: 30 – 35 questions (10 – 12% of total MCQs)
DPG Entrance Examination: 22 – 28 PSM questions (8 – 10% of total MCQs)
Moreover, PSM helps in solving several allied questions (partly or totally) of Paediatrics, Obstetrics, Pharmacology, Medicine, Microbiology, Ophthalmology, etc.
So there is no denying the fact that ‘PSM is of paramount importance’ to successfully tackle any PG Entrance Examination.
Thus, I have written this book keeping a student’s, a teacher’s and an examiner’s perspective in mind.
1. All the answers suitably referenced, authenticated and given in sufficient details
2. Each answer followed by ‘Also Remember’- A compilation of various important note-worthy points based on previous questions from several fields
3. Previous solved papers of AIIMS PG Entrance Examinations (May 1999 – November 2008; 20 papers) and AIPGME Examinations (2001 – 2009; 9 papers)
4. Golden Points (two sets) for a quick revision just before the examination
5. Several annexures (Incubation period and Modes of transmission of diseases, Important days of Public Health, Instruments of importance in public health, Important health legislations and programmes in India, Vectors, NHP 2002 & NPP 2000 and Public Health related statistics of India) have been included towards the end of the book to given the student an edge over others.
Please remember there is no substitute to theory books, but hopefully you will find all relevant theory in this user-friendly book.
Other details of the book: 
The book is expected to be a 'one-stop shop' for all theory related to PG Entrance examinations 
  • References have been included from standard textbooks by K. Park, Sunder Lal, Robbani & Dhaar, Jugal Kishore, Harrison, CMDT, etc, and from Dictionary of Public health
  • Special emphasis has been laid upon Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Communicable & Non-communicable diseases, National Health Programs of India
  • Latest Public Health related statistics (upto 2008-09) have been provided for India and World
  • Several tables have been used to make the information student-friendly
  • Over 50 diagrams have been used to help memorise concepts
  • Pneumonics to help for quick answering in exams
  • Few mistakes in standard textbooks of PSM have been rectified with appropriate references
  • No repetitions in questions or text-answers to keep the volume to the useful minimum
  • It includes microbiology, pharmacology, pharmacology, medicine, obstetrics, geriatrics and pediatrics related to PSM in India
The book is priced around Rupees 290-330/- in India

Dr Vivek Jain is a graduate from Maulana Azad Medical College, New Delhi and has completed his MD (Community Medicine) from Lady Hardinge Medical College, New Delhi. He has also provided services as a Research Consultant to United Nations Office on Drugs & Crime - Regional Office for South Asia from 2006-2008. He has taught students throughout India and has travelled to different parts of globe. He is passionate for teaching public health. Currently he is working with Dept of Community Medicine, Vardhaman Mahavir Medical College & Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi.

Where to buy the book: The book is available at all leading medical book stores of India (PULSE Publications)

Publisher Address: Pulse Publications, 1st Floor, Ayodhaya Das Trade Compound, Vijay Chowk, Gorakhpur (U.P.); [Phone: 0551-2341804]; [Mobile: 09312784703, 09235392282]

Please note : We have not reviewed this book. We have presented the Author's message as such

Friday, March 13, 2009

Handbook of Orthopaedics, by Hitesh Gopalan

"Handbook of Orthopaedics, by Hitesh Gopalan (Jaypee Publishers)covers the entire Orthopaedics in a simple bullet format style.It is easy to read and contains all relevant and accurate information.It is useful for most postgraduate entrance examinations. The book also contains the most upto date information on all Orthopaedic conditions

It is also useful for Postgraduates in Orthopaedics, General Surgery, Paediatrics and Medicine as well as those doctors working as Resident Doctors or at Trauma Centres

Friday, January 2, 2009

Zulfi Raj's Pre PG Medicine HandBook 4th Edition - Revised by Bruno


TargetPG Series
Zulfi-Raj’s Pre-PG Medicine Handbook
Some Reasons to Buy this Book
· Medicine and Medical Sciences dealt with on a point by point basis.
· An invaluable aid to reviewing Harrison’s.
· Rapid review in short time.
· Difficult-to-find facts arranged in an easy-to-understand format.
· Attractive alignment helps aid self review and assessment.
· High-end formatting for rapid revision.
· Especially useful for All India, PGI, AIIMS and various state medical PG entrance exams. A useful guide to final year MBBS students. Ideal refresher to those getting “out of touch” with medical esoteria.
· New Section on Application of Basic Sciences with New chapters on Acid Base Balance, Enzymes, Investigation and Therapeutics
· New Section on General Guidelines with New Chapters on “How to Prepare for PG” and “How many Questions to attempt”
· Fundamentals of Acid Base Balance explained in the Topic “A Story of Proton”
· Updated and compatible with 22nd Edition of Ganong, 5th Edition of Tripathi, 7th Edition of Ananthanarayanan, 7th Edition of Robbins and (of course) 16th edition of Harrison.
· Attractively priced.


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